5 SEO Tips help Rankings | SEO Agency Hull | SEO Company Hull

After chatting with the SEO team here at GRO, we’ve developed 5 SEO tips that will dramatically help your Google rankings.

#1 Choose the Right Focus Keywords

The foundational elements of Search Engine Optimisation include the use of proper keywords. Ideally, you want to rank for terms that are high in search volume, low in competition and terms that are relevant to your business.

Instead of going for glory the first time round using national keywords like ‘T-shirts’ why not try area-specific keywords like ‘T-shirts Northampton’? You’ll have a higher chance of showing in your local search results than national.

#2 Don’t Use The Technique of Keyword Cannibalisation

If you don’t understand SEO you may think… But surely if I stuff my website with a certain word, I’ll rank for it, right? INCORRECT. Include keywords only where they fit naturally in your content. The quality of your content should come first, and you can’t forget that you are writing for people, not search engines. Strive to find the perfect balance between interesting, keyword-optimised content and appealing to readers’ interests.

#3 Blogs, blogs, blogs

Blogging is good for SEO because it helps with a number of factors under the control of the site owner that contribute to higher rankings in search engines. Regularly updated blog posts that are well-written and highly relevant to your visitors can contribute to the success of your site in the rankings.

Pro Tip – If you have the time you ideally want to publish a new blog each month.

#4 Site Speed

The speed of your website is a direct ranking factor in Google search. If a website is slow, it can influence how long users stay on the site and how many bounce.

What speed is considered good?

If your site takes less than 5 seconds to load, it is faster than 25% of the Web. If your site takes less than 2.9 seconds to load, it is faster than 50% of the Web. If your site takes less than 1.7 seconds to load, it is faster than 75% of the Web.

#5 Use a Mix of Internal and External Links

Carefully placed internal and external links can improve a website’s crawlability, user experience, and credibility. Ideally, these links should lead to useful information and secure sites.

Eager to know more? Stay tuned as there may be a part 2 to this.

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