Google May Update | SEO Agency Hull | SEO Company Hull

On 4th May, Google announced their second core update of 2020. While Google is constantly tweaking and changing things behind the scenes to improve our search results, ‘core’ updates are a much more noticeable change. Google’s core updates can take up to two weeks to fully roll out, but here’s what we know so far:

The Update Has Affected Certain Industries More Than Others

In our current pandemic, our online search behaviour has inevitably changed as more and more people are reading up on the coronavirus, health and travel. With that in mind, Google’s new update has affected the following industries most:

  • Travel
  • Real Estate
  • Health
  • Pets & Animals
  • People & Society

[Source: Neil Patel]

Those in the above industries can expect to see some turbulence in their search rankings and a traffic dip, so how can you combat this?

Quality Content Is Being Favoured

To tackle a negative fluctuation in your SEO results, you should focus on improving your website’s content where possible and building on ‘thin content’. As with any major Google update, the search engine giant has suggested that people should look at the four following areas when auditing your website’s content:

Content and Quality – Does your content provide valuable, original information that is factual and helpful for the reader?

Expertise – Your content should be trustworthy, with clear evidence and sourcing. You are the expert of your business, so make sure this comes across in your website content.

Presentation and Production – If your content contains spelling or stylistic mistakes it will be penalised by Google. Alongside this, your content should display well across all devices.

Competitive Comparison – Does your content serve as a better source of information than your competitors can provide? Does it meet the expectations of your website users and answer their queries?

In light of everything happening at the moment, staying on top of these Google updates with the help of SEO is more crucial than ever, particularly if you sell products online or are able to run your business as usual.

If you need any advice on how to improve your search rankings and website traffic, please contact our SEO specialists on 01482 333833 or email
