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In light of COVID-19, Google has seen a recent surge in searches for ‘work from home’ and remote job opportunities. To make it easier for job seekers to discover suitable employment options for their search query, Google have launched a work from home jobs feature in the UK.

In a recent email sent out by the search engine giant to UK businesses, they explained how to use the new feature. You simply add a ‘jobLocationType:”TELECOMMUTE”’ annotation to your job listings to ensure they appear correctly in Google’s job search tool, and a ‘work from home’ tag will appear next to your listing.

According to Google, implementing this markup will help them return more accurate job listings for ‘work from home’ search queries and better filter general enquiries. This feature will also help increase recruiters chances of finding an ideal job candidate as their job listing will be more discoverable in the search results.

The guidelines on implementing this markup for developers can be found here.

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