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With the new decade beginning, there are many predictions and trends to explore for the next 10 years. With 42% of UK businesses outsourcing for their marketing we are making sure we stay ahead and up to date with the latest trends.

Social Media Behaviour

With the year changing so is the level of privacy and security, these features are being heightened to protect user-information. With social media still on the rise there are always new platforms popping up however they are not using ad-based content because they want to stand out from Facebook and Twitter. As the internet is working towards the replacement of TV and newspapers, more people are turning to social media for their news, so more articles are getting shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Design Trends

Each year there are new trends for design, so we’re keeping up with them. The use of abstract illustrations is becoming more popular especially on many blogs and websites, so say goodbye to straight lines. Lots of people are voting towards the minimalistic look particularly in website design. The decluttering of websites and breaking them down to a simple and basic look is on the rise.

SEO Trends

The biggest trend of the new decade for SEO is greater success in user experience, this includes technical SEO with the site and page speed. Mobile First SEO is now essential.  This can be done by building sites mobile-first and then making them responsive for desktop and other devices.

We are excited to see how the trends might shift through the next 10 years. Need some help with working on these trends feel free to browse our website or give us a call on 01482 333833.


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