Email Marketing Hull | SEO Company Hull | Digital Marketing Hull

Here at GRO, we love email marketing. We believe this gives your business a great opportunity to nudge potential and existing customers, share offers and send updates. Our email marketing specialists understand the importance of a strong subject line, targeted email content, solid ‘call to action’ buttons and everything else that makes an email campaign memorable.

So, what are the advantages of sending out email marketing campaigns?


With email marketing, you can customise your campaigns and create targeted content.

Personalisation can be as small as including a contact’s name in the email. In fact, emails that include the first name of the recipient in their subject line have a higher clickthrough rate than those that don’t.

Feedback and Surveys

Email marketing is very valuable if you want customers to continue to interact, engage, and purchase from your brand. You can ask customers for feedback and to fill out surveys for vital information that can be used to improve your marketing strategies.

Improving Sales

Email marketing campaigns can be used to improve your sales, 59% of marketers say that emails are their biggest source of ROI. The campaigns can feature products and services that your business has to offer and also re-target people who have been on your website or have abandoned their cart to carry on shopping.

Generate Website Traffic

When creating an email marketing campaign ensure you add many links including call to actions to ensure your driving potential customers to your website. You don’t have to just drive them to your homepage, you can link to anything you like such as a specific product or contact us page.

Promote Products and Events

Email marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to create awareness about new products and events, it puts the vital information right in the laps of potential customers. Create commotion around your new products before it is released to ensure people know about your products.

Did you know?

  • 41% of millennials check their work email in bed, before or after work.
  • Almost 42% of all email opens happen on mobile apps.
  • Emails with personalised subject lines see a 26% boost in open rates.

To find out more about email marketing and see what we can do for your business, visit our website or contact one of our marketing specialists on 01482 333833 today.