SEO Jargon to Help You | SEO Company Hull | SEO Agency Hull

Let’s not lie, we’ve all been in a meeting where somebody has said a term that you’re unsure about, leading you wanting to crawl into a dark hole… Right?

Well, if that doesn’t apply to you, you’re probably okay to click off. However, if you’re like the rest of us then feel free to stay around, as we are going to list several SEO terms that will help you increase your jargon knowledge.

Click Through Rate

The rate of which users click on a website from organic or paid search results.


A conversion is when a user completes the most important action on your website, whether that’s filling out a contact form or buying a product.

404 error

A 404-page error is type of HTTP error that occurs when a user tries to access a page that no longer exists.

Alt Text

Alt text is an element of SEO for describing images that on are your website so search engines can understand the content.

Black Hat

The SEO term for an aggressive strategy that does not adhere to search engine policy and guidelines.

Keyword Stuffing

This relates to a Black hat SEO technique. This means that you are implementing too many keywords onto a page which can come across as spam as you are trying to manipulate search engines.

Internal Link

A link within your website that links to another page on your website.

External Link

A link within your website that links to another reputable website.

White Hat

White hat SEO is an approved search engine optimisation tactic that is designed to increase a website’s position on a search engine results page.


An encrypted version of HTTP that protects the communications between your browser and server from being intercepted and tampered with by hackers.

Hopefully those terms will help you in your next meeting, if not I’m afraid nothing will save you!

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