Social Media Brand Mistakes | Social Media Agency Hull

Are you creating content that nobody sees? We’ve all been there before. You create a piece of content you love and you’re excited to get it published, but once uploaded you see no engagement. People in the office may like and comment but it only reaches a small handful of people. So… what went wrong?

There are a few things to think of before you should publish content. The day of the week. The time of day. How does this sit with your audience? Has the content been shared across other platforms? Could it be strengthened through collaboration with another brand or organisation? Have you included the best hashtags? Did you know a simple question or interactive poll could improve interactions and make your content instantly more appealing.

Don’t expect an immediate return on investment. A long-term strategy will ensure you stay on track, but you’ll need to plan for shorter term activity too.  Count the smaller wins and learn along the way. Understand what works for your brand to improve your channel strategy and how you connect with audiences online. Don’t get beaten down straight away, use this as a learning curve and take charge of your analytics to see what you can improve on.

Make your posts different. Make them stand out. Social media feeds are crowded, noisy and spin-offs of the same thing. Repeatedly. Time and time again. You have to think outside of the box to stand out from your competitors. How will your target audience find you? Show how you’re relevant and how you can add value to their lives. Stand out for the right reasons. Make your brand memorable.

Want to learn more? Visit our website or contact one of our social media experts on 01482 333833.