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Instagram has recently launched its brand-new checkout feature over in the US. This new feature allows users to buy products directly from a brand’s shoppable post without leaving the app.

The popular app has picked 23 brands to test the e-commerce integration, some of these brands consist of Adidas, Kylie Cosmetics & Zara. Buyers can simply click on the “Checkout on Instagram” button to automatically purchase an item in an attempt to push e-commerce opportunities.

Instagram hopes to provide a more seamless experience now that buyers no longer need to migrate to a separate page, this way they can capture impulsive buyers. [Source: The Verge]

Big technology companies have partnered with Instagram on the checkout feature, for example, BigCommerce, Shopify, ChannelAdvisor and CommerceHub are all supporting the apps new addition.

BigCommerce chief product officer Jimmy Duvall said, “As consumers, we want a quick and easy shopping experience, and merchants –pushing to increase conversion and loyalty – want to do whatever they can to simplify this experience for their customers.” [Source: The Drum]

We’re looking forward to seeing how the new feature works out. This was the next step for Instagram as Mark Zuckerberg has pushed to lead his company’s commerce initiative. If the new Instagram feature proves itself, we can’t wait to see how well it does over in the UK.


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