Digital Marketing Hull | Website Design Hull | SEO Company Hull

What does this mean / why is it important?

Do I have a mobile first website?
Does it load within 2-3 seconds?
Am I losing up to 47% of potential customers because my website is too slow?

The above questions are what you should be asking your current website company.

Firstly, mobile first ensures you are delivering the correct user experience to the right screen size. Mobile first website design and development focus on clarity, removing anything unnecessary to improve user experience. This leads us onto the next question above, does your website load in 2-3 seconds?

GRO build mobile first websites and also understands that mobile speed matters not only to the user but for SEO. Mobile speed has HUGE EFFECTS on your site visitors. This is why Google Chrome (not to alarm anyone) is going to highlight ‘Fast Pages on mobile’.

This update will highlight certain pages on mobile with a ‘Fast Page Label’. We think this is a great update as it puts the user in control, they will be deciding whether to click after checking that that site is fast, mobile-first and stable.

This leads us onto the last question, am I losing up to 47% of potential customers because my website is too slow?

We say quite possibly if your website isn’t mobile first, with SEO in mind and it doesn’t load within 2-3 seconds you could potentially miss out on website traffic.

Call GRO today on 01482 333 833 for a free consultation.