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Happy New Year to all our customers, followers & friends. We can’t believe It’s 2023, how time flies. Our team are very excited about what’s to come this year. Stay tuned in to our social media platforms to see what exactly we get up to during 2023.

There’s no better time for digital marketing

Has digital marketing been on your mind for some time now? Pretty much every business owner knows that they need to market their business in some way. Whether that’s through keeping your social media looking professional or optimising your website with SEO. There’s no better time to start marketing your business.

‘Start as you mean to go on’ is a phrase that gets thrown around the GRO office quite frequently but at the end of the day, it’s true. If you’re wondering where to start, please give us a call on 01482 333 833.

Find out who is visiting your site

Web Leads is a great place to start with marketing. GRO Web Leads provides you with the names of companies who have clicked on your website. The analytics include: the date they visited, how many pages they viewed and the amount of time they stayed on your site, contact details and much more. This is the perfect tool for generating leads for future sales. Want to know more, contact us today to get started.





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